Download the app – sign in - fill in the profile of the company - upload the design of your card - select type of discount - and that's all! On a basic tariff plan you can issue 100 cards for free!
To issue a discount card you simply need to fill in the name, surname, e-mail and phone number of a customer, click "Add" and that's all - iDiscount will generate a card and send it to the customer's e-mail with a link to the special free application iDiscount Card Holder and his personal login and password. After Loging in into iDiscount Card Holder, the buyer will see your card and will be able to show the barcode at the checkout in your store, he will always see his current discount and the amount of purchases made.
To read the barcode you can use a special barcode scanners at the checkout, as well as a built-in application iDiscount cardreader.
Create your own electronic discount cards directly in the application and send them to the phones of your customers. Forget about all the hassle with plastic or paper discount, because modern technologies make it possible to give them up. Now there is nothing stopping your company to become a modern one and reach a new level when dealing with loyalty programs. Just download and use iDiscount.
The IDiscount application allows you to:
- create electronic discount cards with a unique barcode for each client;
- upload your design of discount cards corresponding to the corporate identity of your company;
- read the customer's card directly from the screen of his/her phone;
- entry a deal in history right at the moment of card reading;
- keep history of purchases of your customers and calculate the size of their discounts depending on the criteria you specified;
- apply to the choice either a fixed or an accumulative discount;
- add other employees of your company and give them the appropriate rights for the access to the functional application;
- fill in the profile of your company (address, phone, e-mail) and also use your electronic discount card as a business card;
- your customers can keep all their cards in a convenient and free application iDiscountClient and present them to you when making a purchase or providing services.
The first month of use of the iDiscount application is free. Then the use will be available by subscription via Google Play Market.
Attention! If for some reason you cannot draw or renew your subscription, you can easily read discount cards already issued via the application and keep records of purchases by them. Your customers will not be affected.
The application runs on Android 4.0 and higher.
Compare the iDiscount application with traditional plastic discount cards, and you will understand how much it is easier, more convenient and cheaper to use.</br>